Nerds of a Feather is what it is because of the talent and hard work of our flock of in-house writers. In 2019, our team - Brian, Chloe, Dean, Mike, Paul, Phoebe and the Spacefaring Kitten - created excellence day after day in the midst of busy and complex lives, doing so purely for the love of science fiction, fantasy, horror literature and media. We couldn't be prouder of the work we created together last year, and we're excited to once again share it with the Hugo community.
Finally, we would like to give a special thanks to our readers and supporters within the community. Without you, we never make it here - not once, and certainly not for an unbelievable fourth time. Thank you. Thank you for nominating nerds of a feather, flock together. It means more than we can possibly express.
We would also like to take this time to congratulate Paul Weimer for being a first time finalist for Best Fan Writer. It is well deserved and we are so happy for him.
-The G, Vance, Joe & Adri