Photo Credit: Andrea Johnson |
NAME: Andrea Johnson
SECRET UNDISCLOSED LOCATION: a secret whisky bar that is located in an unnamed public university's undergraduate library.
NERD SPECIALIZATION(S): aliens, language, snarky AI's
MY PET PEEVES IN NERD-DOM ARE: too much world building up front (let me discover it myself), crimes against adjectives, boring dialogue.
RIGHT NOW I'M READING: Ration by Cody Luff
...AND A COUPLE BOOKS I RECENTLY FINISHED ARE: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Conservation of Shadows by Yoon ha Lee
NEXT TWO ON QUEUE ARE: Mirrorstrike by Benjanun Sriduangkaew and The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski
WHEN THE WEATHER SUCKS OUTSIDE I'M MOST LIKELY TO BE... curled up under a blanket, reading or taking a nap
MY FAVORITE SUPERHERO AND SUPER-VILLAIN ARE: I don't have a favorite superhero, I'm more an anti-hero kind of girl. Favorite super-villain is The Monarch from The Venture Bros
IF I WERE A SUPERHERO/VILLAIN, MY POWER WOULD BE: the power to instantly make you fall asleep. I could do whatever I want and you couldn't stop me, and you'd get a good night's sleep.
THE BEST COMIC FILM OF THE PAST 5 YEARS IS: Tie between Into the Spider-Verse and Thor: Ragnarok
THE WORST COMIC FILM OF THE PAST 5 YEARS IS: I don't watch a lot of comic films, so not sure if the few that I saw were good or bad. sorry!
I JUST WATCHED The Witcher AND IT WAS AWESOME my twitter feed is currently 50% Witcher memes by volume. Toss a coin.
I JUST WATCHED XXXX AND IT WAS TERRIBLE. We stream everything in my house, if something is bad, i usually just turn it off in the first five minutes.
EVERYONE SHOULD SEE Castlevania (Netflix) BEFORE IT'S TOO LATE, the characters are self-awarely over the top and the banter is great! 2nd season is skip-able.
BEST SCIENCE/SPECULATIVE FICTION SHOW OF THE PAST 10 YEARS Tie between The O.A. (Netflix) and Ascension (Syfy).
NAME A BOOK YOU *NEED* A MOVIE OF (OR VICE VERSA) The Lies of Locke Lamora. When they get to the 3rd movie/book, I've got my Sabetha cosplay ready to go.