Monday, July 27, 2020

Nerds of a Feather at Worldcon!

It's the week of the 78th World Science Fiction Convention, aka Worldcon, aka CoNZealand, and while we may not be travelling Aotearoa/New Zealand to enjoy the convention in person, many of us are gearing up for the next best thing. Virtual Worldcon is almost here, and several of us will be joining the online festivities for a celebration of all things genre.

If you're also "attending" Worldcon, look out for the Nerds of a Feather flock on the Programme in the following places (all times in local NZ time):

Phoebe Wagner

The Timeless Child and the Evolving Canon of Doctor Who30 Jul 2020, Thursday 12:00 - 12:50, Programme Room 1

The canon of Doctor Who has evolved and change over the years, from the initial regeneration though the Valeyard, the methods and numbers of regeneration, the Doctor's part-human (!) ancestry, to the Timeless Child. Which changes are accepted, which aren't (and which, like the part-human bit, are ignored), and which anger fans?

John Toon, R.W.W. Greene, Lynne M Thomas, Jim Mann (M), Phoebe Wagner
Kaffeeklatsch: 30 Jul 2020, Thursday 14:00 - 14:50

Reading: 31 Jul 2020, Friday 13:00 - 13:25, Reading Room 2

SF and Fantasy Comics and Graphic Novels31 Jul 2020, Friday 16:00 - 16:50, Programme Room 3

Comics are more than people in spandex costumes fighting others in spandex costumes. Sandman, Fables, Monstress, Saga, Bitch Planet, Y, The Last Man ... the list can go on. The panel looks at great SF and fantasy in graphic form and discusses the medium's unique strengths.

Catherine S. McMullen, Christopher Ruz, Phoebe Wagner (M), James Bacon

Paul Weimer

The Continuing Relevance and Popularity of The Lord of the Rings
29 Jul 2020, Wednesday 11:00 - 11:50, Programme Room 2

Tolkien started by writing stories for himself, creating his own world, his own mythology. Yet those stories touched millions and are still wildly popular. The Lord of the Rings often tops polls of favorite books of the last century. What makes it hold up so well?

Susana Polo, Mr Paul Weimer (M), Gina Saucier, Jodi McAlister, J J Mathews

Dungeons and Dragons: Still Going Strong Format
31 Jul 2020, Friday 11:00 - 11:50, Programme Room 3

D&D is as popular as ever -- more popular than ever?  Why?  And what twists do current players make?  How do want-to-bes get involved?

Cat Rambo (M), Mr Paul Weimer, Sascha Stronach

Adri Joy

Justice in SF and Fantasy (Panel)30 Jul 2020, Thursday 10:00 - 10:50, Programme Room 3

Methods of Justice in SF and fantasy are increasingly complex. It’s often not simply heroes and villains. Villains have become more humanised, and in some cases are even redeemed by the end. How are issues of justice handled well in SF? How has this changed over the years? What are good and bad examples?

Adri Joy, Brent Lambert, Fred Lerner D.L.S., Jenn Lyons (M), Melinda Snodgrass

NOTE: As a daytime-oriented person living on the other side of the world, Adri will also be hanging out in the Discord at unsociable-for-New-Zealand hours. Come say hi if you recognise the dog profile picture!

Photo: Paul Weimer