Pick of the Week:
Ascender #1 - Set 10 years after the conclusion of Descender, Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen return to the world they introduced us to five years ago. The Harvesters have purged the known universe of all robots and technology. The Mother rules all with an iron fist and has enslaved many planets. She wields a powerful magic, but there is a rumor of another magic user that is haunting her. Hope comes in many forms, and Mila appears to be that force in this book. Her mother died for her so that her father and her could be free. Freedom sounds good, but it essentially means they are outcasts who are forbidden to interact with the "saved", those who have pledged devotion to the Mother. Lemire and Nguyen do a masterful job introducing the reader to this universe and setting the stage for competing factions as the resistance seeks to bring back technology and free everyone from Mother's rule. This really makes me want to revisit Descender as I am embarrassed to admit I never finished.
Criminal #4 - Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips continue to produce the goods with another stellar issue of Criminal. This issue provided us a night from the perspective of Ricky Lawless, complete with cocaine use, murder, bar fights, and some of the worst impulses that a human could have. You start to feel a bit sorry for Ricky, who is driven by the death of his father and has relatively good intentions. The death of Teeg Lawless was mentioned in the first Criminal story and at the end of the book Brubaker and Phillips let us know that we finally get to hear how it all went down in the next issue! I cannot recommend this series enough and remain impressed at how fresh Brubaker and Phillips keep this series after so many years and so many tales.

Star Wars: Vader Dark Visions #3 - In the most bizarre book in this series, we are introduced to a nurse on the Death Star with a creepy infatuation with Vader. The book opens with the appearance of a simple crush, getting nervous when he is around and daydreaming of the two of them together, but it quickly goes beyond a simple crush as we learn she has a collection made up of blood and other bodily items that she found cleaning up the operating room. As I type this it feels like this book shouldn't exist, but thanks to the magic of comic books we have Fatal Attraction set in the Star Wars universe. The difference is that Vader is not one to put up with this type of infatuation lightly.

POSTED BY MIKE N. aka Victor Domashev -- comic guy, proudly raising nerdy kids, and Nerds of a Feather contributor since 2012.