Lego Marvel Super Heroes Captain Marvel and the Asis:
Holy flerken!!! Look at that Lego Goose! Captain Marvel has been my favorite superhero movie I have seen this year and this set is a must have! Featuring minifigs of both Captain Marvel and Monica Rambeau, this set will run you $45 and has 271 pieces. This set will be available to attendees who are fortunate in the lottery which should be opening any day.
Funko Pop! The Black Cauldron: Taran and the Horned King:
There are a wealth of amazing collectibles in Funko's SDCC lineup, but this two pack was the most surprising to me. The Black Cauldron was one of my favorite childhood movies and I have fond memories of playing the amazing Sierra computer game as I tried to stop the Horned King from raising an army of the dead. When I revisited this movie with my son I was surprised how dark it was, but happy that he liked it and to share this Disney classic that doesn't get as much love as it should. Could a Gurgi Pop! be down the road? This two-pack will be a shared exclusive with Amazon and available with the SDCC sticker to those who win lottery access.
Star Wars: The Black Series 6-inch Boba Fett by Hasbro:
This might be the most Comic Con toy in my selection. An exclusive Star Wars figure on a vintage card back of the famed bounty hunter Boba Fett. This is a true beauty and will only set you back $24.99. Hasbro has some other nice looking exclusives (a razor scooter?), but none as pretty as this beauty. I am not sure if Hasbro is participating in the traditional lottery, but I may try to swing by the booth one afternoon and hope I am lucky enough to add this fella to my Star Wars collection.
Action Vinyls from The Loyal Subjects:
Featuring exclusives from Game of Thrones, Ghostbusters, My Hero Academia and more, The Loyal Subjects have grown by leaps and bounds since I started collecting their action vinyls a few years back and I am stoked for this year's lineup. This is only page one of the heat they are bringing, but I am most excited about the Hot Wheels. Vinyl Hot Wheels seemed like an odd pairing, but I saw some rolling around on Instagram and am excited for this blast of nostalgia. I grew up on Hot Wheels and have enjoyed passing that love onto both of my kids. Super stoked to finally add some TLS Hot Wheels to my collection. Limited to 200 pieces on the SDCC floor, keep a close eye on the schedule to make sure you don't miss any drops.
Spittin' Contest Tiny Ghost by Bimtoy:
Reis O'Brien and his Bimtoy brand are partnering with Fugitive Toys and bringing a summertime twist to his spooky lineup of collectibles to SDCC. Bimtoy is a labor of love and one that has seen tremendous growth over the past few years. In addition to expanding its vinyl offerings, the Tiny Ghost variants are sure to make your shelf 100% cuter. In addition to this stunning piece, Bimtoy will have some pins, mini ghosts, and other possible surprised located at the Fugitive Toys booth. If they distribute these like last year it will be via lottery at the booth.
POSTED BY MIKE N. aka Victor Domashev -- comic guy, proudly raising nerdy kids, and Nerds of a Feather contributor since 2012.