Pick of the Week:
Saga #49 - It has been a while, but I am happy to report that Saga is back, is just as inappropriate as always, and remains amazing. What stood out to me in this issue is how much depth there is in the cast of Robot characters and how their ability to use their monitors to convey their true feelings remains one of their greatest assets/liabilities. Ianthe, who has enslaved The Will and bringing him along for the journey against his...will (sorry), is getting closer and closer to having a confrontation with Marko, Alana, and everyone else on their rocket ship. Meanwhile, on the rocket ship, the writers mention they have the ability to virtually change one's identity and species in exchange for a good story. This would mean living out your remaining days as another species, but a life free of running. Very curious to find out what happens next and very amused every time Ianthe refers to The Will as Bill, Little Willie, or other variations on his name.
The Rest:

DuckTales #6 - While we didn't get the start of a new arc, Joey Cavalieri and Joe Caramagna delivered two fun self-contained stories that would work well as single episodes of the newly refreshed cartoon. This comic really does capture the feel of the new cartoon and should be must-read material for any Ducktales fan. It is also a great all-ages book that adults will enjoy as well. Nothing mind blowing, but fun simple reads that make a good break from some of the heavier titles.

POSTED BY MIKE N. aka Victor Domashev -- comic guy, proudly raising nerdy kids, and Nerds of a Feather contributor since 2012.