To ring in 2015, we are introducing two new post series, Perspectives and Blogtable. Both emerged from the same idea: to present critical discussion of important issues within geekdom within a single post. Yet each post series approaches that idea in a different way:
In Perspectives, three regular nerds of a feather contributors respond to something written by an external blogger, critic, journalist or creative person. The idea is to capture a range of opinion on powerful or provocative ideas--contrasting, complementary or just different. In terms of format, each contributor will respond directly to the prompt and only to the prompt.
With Blogtable, the prompt is issued by me or one of the other regular contributors, and answered by three guest bloggers. The idea, again, is to capture a range of opinion on the topic, but with Blogtable the respondents will also respond to the guest blogger(s) who responds before her/him.
Both Perspectives and Blogtable will debut next week. If you are interested in participating in future iterations of Blogtable, or have essays you'd like us to consider as prompts for Perspectives, please email us at our institutional address: nerdsfeather.indiesubs (at) gmail (dot) com.