Friday, December 19, 2014

Holiday Gift Guide - Dean and Charles

Dean's Holiday Gift List

In a surprise to exactly zero people, holidays are not my thing. I hate anyone feeling like they're obligated to get me anything, but here's what you should get other people.

Funko Pop FiguresI love these little buggers. Like, way too much. There are enough to suit any even vaguely geeky interest and will only set you back between $10-20.

LEGO: Seriously, can't go wrong here. Or if you can, you really shouldn't be friends with the person who doesn't like Legos. You can go as large or as small as you want here, so price can go either way. If you're buying for me, the UCS Slave I comes out in January.

Board Games: If they are not already a big gamer, buy the Settlers of Catan and make them play it (if you don't, they'll assume it's a Monopoly clone and shelve it). If they already play a lot of games, you might have to get creative. A Catan or Arkham Horror expansion would probably be a welcome gift for someone who already has a couple hundred bucks sunk into those games. On the cheaper end, Forbidden Island is fantastic and under $20. If you have non-geekly friends who think Apples to Apples/Cards Against Humanity are good games (they are not), may I humbly submit Pit? It is way funner, and intellectually stimulating and you can yell at your family and get away with it.

Charles' Holiday Gift Guide

Salsa Nocturna by Daniel José Older

The reason for this pick has more to do with Half-Resurrection Blues not coming out until early January and so being ineligible for this list. As a fan of urban fantasy and Daniel José Older, it looks amazing. For those unfamiliar with his work, though, Salsa Nocturna is a great sampling of short fiction. Published by Crossed Genres, it's a great way to get a taste for a very talented writer, and a way to whet your appetite for the new novel.
Check it out HERE

Anything from The Signed Page
As a book lover there are few things as sublimely awesome as a book signed by the author. There's just something magical about it, something powerful about holding that in your hands. Enter The Signed Page, a site dedicated to bringing signed new books into your greedy little paws. Available for pre-order (so they can be personalized) or from stock, I love this site. And what's more. Because of moving, all in-stock signed stock is on sale. I'm talking as low as $10 for a signed book!
Go now, HERE.

Munchkin Adventure Time Game

And now for something completely different. Because Adventure Time is amazing. Like my favorite show. And now it's combined with one of my favorite infuriating, I mean fun card games. Probably much easier to just pick and play than the Adventure Time Card Wars (which is a little confusing), this game combines the characters and ridiculousness of Adventure Time with the random and wacky Munchkin system. Seems like a good match to me.
Available HERE.

The Inheritance Trilogy by N.K. Jemisin

Now in one volume. With extra content. Extra content! I really shouldn't have to say more about this. But I will. This is a tremendous deal. Three novels and the bonus content all for about $20. And out just in time for the holidays. I absolutely loved the Dreamblood books, and have thoroughly enjoyed Jemisin's short work as well. And with everything included in this omnibus, it's sure to please both die-hard fans and new readers. Seriously, this is a no-brainer. Go out and get this.
Maybe from HERE.

Through the Woods by Emily Carroll

Like horror? This is the best I have read in a long, long time. Like ever. The art is disturbing, beautiful yet twisted, and the stories are deeply chilling. Carroll's art bleeds from the page and right into our world, twisting images like the iconic Goodnight Moon room into something much, much darker. And nothing says Christmas like unbridled terror, right? 
Get it HERE.

Subscriptions! (I'm talking SFF zines, of course)
There are so many worthy places to throw your money at this holiday season. Or to give as a gift through something like Weightless Books. There are honestly too many magazines to really list them all, but anyone looking to narrow down the list can check out my suggestions in the last two Monthly Rounds. You really can't go wrong with subscriptions, and it supports,  you know, actually paying SFF writers for their craft. Most places release their stuff for free, but there are perks to subscribing and, if you can afford it, why not?

So there it is! I hope you're a little more prepared for this holiday season now!