into post-war cautionary sci-fi films is like sorting pebbles on a
beach. There are too many, and many are too similar. And there is
seaweed everywhere. Well, not the last bit. So instead of picking a
particular method of analysis, I hereby begin, in no particular order of
importance or date - or sanity - an occasional series on some of the
more unusual, less-celebrated movies of that time. I have exact and complex reasons for each film choice in the series which I could try and explain to you all but it would be like teaching algebra to a one year old fish.
Oh, okay, not really.
I am going to watch every weird old British sci-fi film that crops up on the BBC, Film 4 and any other UK channel from now until the end of the year. I call it The Great British Sci-Fi Generator Xperiment!
And so we start with the wonderfully-monikered 'X - The Unknown' (1956, Hammer Films).
Oh, okay, not really.
I am going to watch every weird old British sci-fi film that crops up on the BBC, Film 4 and any other UK channel from now until the end of the year. I call it The Great British Sci-Fi Generator Xperiment!
And so we start with the wonderfully-monikered 'X - The Unknown' (1956, Hammer Films).
The Meat Pie :
this is not some obscure prequel to X:Men. Or Vin Diesel's XXX. As much
as we all wish. This is in fact a delightful sci-fi horror from the
revered Hammer Films company, made at the now-closed Bray Studios, west
of London. It actually mainly looks like it was made in a muddy field at
night, and this is one of many things I love about it.
thing is the superb lead actor, Dean Jagger, an American known best to
me as the inept sheriff in Bad Day at Black Rock, but he also won an
Oscar for 12 O'Clock High and played Elvis's dad in King Creole,
apparently. Now, I use 'superb' in a rather loose sense. Jagger is here
one of those actors who seem like they are in a slightly different film
to everyone else, and seem also to be slightly annoyed to be there. I
found out after watching it that he allegedly demanded the original
director, Joseph Losey, be fired as he was on the Hollywood blacklist,
but Jagger also hated the replacement, Leslie Norman (a bully by all
accounts), and ignored most direction from him. This is detectable in
his eagerness to walk out of shot a lot and to stroke his bald patch
irritably. A lot.
He also seems almost suicidally unconcerned by smoking in his nuclear lab -
This lady, however, is clearly very concerned by something.
to be clear, that is screaming, not yawning. She has just seen the
doctor she was about to snog (in a closed-mouth '50s style) melt after
encountering an off-camera monster, which remains off-camera for most of
the film as it creeps really, really slowly up on people, who scream
then die. The reason it is off-camera so long is of course to increase
tension and wonder in the viewer, and nothing at all to do with budget
constraints on making a mound of molten mud move menacingly...
There it is, finally visible. The radioactive mud. That kills. Slowly. Beautiful, isn't it...
Don't laugh. It's deadly. Look -
pictures are a thousand words and all that but if I showed much more
you wouldn't have to watch the damn thing. Which you will of course do
immediately... Anyway, here more words...
film begins with soldiers on a training exercise (in the aforementioned
muddy field in 'Scotland') coming into contact with some strange force
from the depths. Soon enough military scientist Jagger is on the case
and, in between letting us go off to see other extras getting blasted
and melted in amusing ways, he slowly figures out an ancient creature of
pure energy is running amok in search of radiation, tempted out of
subterranean hiding by the nascent nuclear age.
there is the 'cautionary' part of the sci-fi. Jagger's character, Dr
Adam Royston, is a maverick, straying from the lab to work in his shed
on a device to deactivate radioactive devices. The police chief who
quickly appears up from London, played by a young Leo McKern (later to
be in The Prisoner and other gems of British telly), is impressed and
excited by the implications if such a device. It's not said whether
that's because it could stop the nuclear threat to all, or because it
could help them beat the 'Ruskies'. I like to think it's the former
reason. Of course, this device comes to play an important role in more
immediate proceedings, but I don't want to spoil the ending...
lovingly in black and white (or black and silver, more accurately), and
with editing and a score that keep the pace and tension, the film
evokes a small Scottish community with a few nicely-accented supporting
players and the odd foggy wood. As much as I joked about the mud monster
effects, in many ways X is a smartly made and seriously-minded film. It
takes a small budget and works that weakness into a strength, keeping
things on a small scale, staying in rooms and the same few exterior
locations, and uses decent actors to bring home the drama rather than
helicopter shots and pricey effects work. It is clear it is as concerned
by the inaction of bureaucracy and the violence of the military as it
is by the threat from below, and the lasting impression is of
intelligence and compassion winning the day. Even if lots of stuff blows
up too.
flaws are many, but it is perhaps unfair to judge the past on today's
standards. The dialogue is stagey at times, the acting often awkward,
the gender politics appalling, the slow and naive decisions of the
heroes frustrating and the attempts to scare us laughable. But I can
imagine at the time it raised a few hairs on the back of the neck. It
was originally a follow-up to Hammer's successful The Quartermass
Xperiment (sic) but the writer of the Quartermass serial on which the
film was based refused them the rights to his character, hence the
Doctor Royston creation. The fact that its troubled gestation resulted
in such a solid work is impressive, and, despite an odd false ending
that isn't sure if it's a cliffhanger or not, worth searching out.
The Math :
Baseline Assessment : 7/10
Bonuses :
+1 for no annoying romantic subplot with swelling strings; +1 for the
weird and unlikeable lead; +1 for the effective use of a small budget
Penalties : -1 for the death scenes being funny rather than scary; -1 for the odd ending; -1 for the lack of Vin Diesel *
Nerd Coefficient : 7/10
A mostly enjoyable experience
I tried to find a photo of Vin Diesel crying, or even looking dejected.
And there aren't any. Really. The man only scowls or grins. That is how
he rolls. Seriously. Google Image search 'Vin Diesel crying' and he
just laughs at you. Or flexes. There is one of Toby Maguire crying in
there for some reason. Don't understand that. Although he cries in