If attending San Diego Comic Con for the past 10 or so years is that you never get to do everything you plan for. There are some obvious scheduling conflicts below and the panels I attend are now greatly influenced by my son, but here are some panels that we may or may not attend. The only panel that I absolutely cannot miss is the Locke and Key panel on Friday despite that series not being age appropriate for a 12 year old.
10am - Funko Funkast (Room 7AB):
I am worried that I will miss this due to picking up tickets for Conan, but will try to make the live recording of a podcast that focuses on all things Funko, pop culture, and some amazing bad dad jokes.
1:30pm - Marvel Games (Hall H):
My son needs to experience Hall H at least once during his brief SDCC tenure and a panel on video games is right up his alley. Hoping to check this one out and scope out future games that we can play together.
3:00pm - Entertainment Earth (Room 9):
If you have noticed a theme in a lot of my posts is that I enjoy collecting toys. I have sadly passed this love of collecting down to my son and this sounds like an informative panel that should be quite entertaining.
4:30pm - Art of Ghibli (Horton Grand Theater):
I need to double-check how to get tickets for the Horton Grand Theater (I have successfully done this in the past!) as my family are huge Studio Ghibli fans. This sounds like an amazing panel that will be a delight to watch.
11:00am - Fun with Funko (Room 7AB):
This is a panel that I wanted to check out, but will likely miss it due to the Locke and Key panel. I hate to miss this as it sounds like it will shed a lot of light on how Funko got the Star Wars licence. I love learning about the history of various toy companies and this panel is right up my alley.
11:30am - Veronica Mars (Ballroom 20):
Shout out to my older brother who recommended this show to my wife and myself. Similar to the Fun with Funko panel, this one is hitting the cutting room floor due to Locke and Key. Lucky fans who get to attend will enjoy the first episode of the new season. This will be a popular panel and I hope I know someone who goes to it.
12:00pm - Locke and Key (32AB):
Season 1 of the Netflix Locke and Key series has wrapped and Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez have teased images that suggest they are returning to the world of Locke and Key for a new comic. They hinted at this in years past and I am super pumped that they are finally revisiting what is one of the best comic book series of all time.
2:00pm - Wizards Unite (6BCF):
My family loves Pokemon Go and have enjoyed partaking in a similar-ish experience via Wizards Unite. Wizards Unite provides a more in-depth experience than Pokemon Go and has reignited our interest in Harry Potter. Hosted by the delightful Felicia Day, this should be a lot of fun.
3:30pm - Dark Crystal (Hall H):
Not sure how hard this one will be to get into, but I am happy to see Dark Crystal introduced to a new generation of fans. I love the mix of puppets and CGI in the trailers for this series and really want to see more. Not sure how this will impact some off-site plans I have, but this would be great to check out.
11:15am - Lego Animation (Room 6A):
I am sure there are other panels of interest on Saturday, but it is looking like this might be the day that my son and I take it easy. We both have a vested interest in this panel as the Ninjago series is one of our all-time favorites. Not sure there will be anything related to Ninjago, but we would love to support this talented group.
10:30am - IDW Comics for Kids (Room 23ABC):
My daughter is joining my son and I on Sunday for her first SDCC. This panel features James Kochalka who is one of our favorite all-ages creators (Johnny Boo!). Not everything Kochalka creates is all-ages, but we have really enjoyed his all-ages lineup.
11:15am - Spotlight on Scott Snyder (Room 6DE):
Not sure the kids will enjoy this one, but Snyder's Batman run is up there with the best and it would be great to learn more about his creative process and what future plans he has. If I can only convince the kids to join me for this.
2:15pm - Batman Family Matters (Room 6BCF):
This panel is simply a screening of a new animated Batman movie and sounds like a nice quiet way to wind down an exhausting weekend of fun.
POSTED BY MIKE N. aka Victor Domashev -- comic guy, proudly raising nerdy kids, and Nerds of a Feather contributor since 2012.