Pick of the Week:
Doctor Aphra #4 - I continue to be blown away by this series and am so happy that they decided to give Dr. Aphra her own title. I really enjoyed her role (along with her two droids) in the Vader series and have really enjoyed learning more about the archaeologist. I have described this series as a cross between Indiana Jones and Star Wars and that was very apparent this issue as Aphra worked with her father in an attempt to find the Ordu Aspectu. The similarities even spill over into the contemptuous relationship between Aphra and her father and the sprinkle of humor that the droids provide is the icing on the cake. The best line from this issue was Triple-0 saying, "Yes, I agree. Being dead should slow them down." When you think about it, he isn't wrong.
The Rest:
Birthright #22 - The intensity in the latest issue ramps up as Mastema, daughter of Lore, attempts seize control of the chaos that has been taking place as Lore controls Mikey. Understanding her role in the big picture provides a great context to what is happening with the other mages and why it is so critical to stop Lore and why she isn't concerned about Mikey's fate throughout this process. Clearly there is enough support for Mikey that it seems likely that we will be approaching a major battle in the next few issues. It sounds like Joshua Williamson has some big plans through issue #25 and I don't expect this series to slow down any time soon.

POSTED BY MIKE N. aka Victor Domashev -- comic guy, proudly raising nerdy kids, and Nerds of a Feather contributor since 2012.