Pick of the Week:
Nailbiter #29 - Joshua Williamson finally revealed the secrets of Buckaroo, Oregon and I couldn't be happier. We are in the second-to-last issue in this series and we finally understand why there is a temple under water in a lake and an underground tunnel system throughout the town. We learned this as the entire town of Buckaroo burns to the ground in a final attempt to hide its dark history from the world. As we approached the end of the series I was worried that there would be some supernatural reason for the serial killers that would leave a sour taste in my mouth, but I am pleased to report that the secret (I'm not going to tell you!) is worth the wait and extremely satisfying. Not only that but the set up for the series finale has me biting my own finger nails! Congratulations to Joshua Williamson and Mike Henderson for delivering such a horrifying series that truly had me on the edge of my seat from the beginning. I look forward to reading the epic conclusion to this series and re-reading it on an annual basis.
The Rest:
Darth Maul #1 - You had me at Darth Maul and Cullen Bunn. I was beyond excited to learn that Bunn was writing a solo Darth Maul series. Darth Maul is one of those characters that captivated audiences without us ever learning anything about him. We have learned more through his appearances on Clone Wars and Rebels, but still know little about his time prior to the events in Episode One. In this first issue we learn about the blood lust that Maul has and how it may be what ultimately leads to his downfall. Darth Sidious needs Maul to be patient, but it doesn't appear that he will be able to keep him occupied as he waits for things to line up politically. Really impressed with the first issue and looking forward to where this one is headed.

Paper Girls #11 - One of the best series of 2016 continues to shine in 2017 as the girls find themselves trapped in 11,706 BCE. The girls have a minor incident with some locals before a mysterious time traveler named Dr. Qanta Braunstein makes a landing and will surely mix things up in the next issue. I have given up trying to predict where this book will take me and am merely happily along for the ride.

Batman #16 - In another odd issue that featured a lot of humorous dialogue at a fast food joint, Batman urges his collection of sidekicks to take a vacation while he deals with Bane. Not wishing any harm to come to them, it is clear that Batman's past and the pain and suffering that have happened to those around him still have a big impact on how he cares for those who surround him. While the issue seemed a bit odd overall, Tom King delivers a stunning panel to keep readers coming back for the next issue and the arrival of Bane. While things look grim, I am not buying what Bruce Wayne finds in the Bat Cave and will still hope for this series to improve.
POSTED BY MIKE N. aka Victor Domashev -- comic guy, proudly raising nerdy kids, and Nerds of a Feather contributor since 2012.