Pick of the Week:
Dept. H #17 - Mia gets one helluva an email from Lily that details the shaky background of their friendship. The crew is close to finally making it back to the surface, but if we can trust the briefing from Lily it looks like they might want to remain under water. According to Lily, the H-Virus had another outbreak on land and is creating all sorts of havoc. I want to trust her and feel that her heartfelt email to Mia is a way to get her message out before they all die. Aaron is looking might suspicious, but I haven't nailed down a motive on him just yet. What is clear is that Matt and Sharlene Kindt have crafted a great murder mystery at the bottom of the ocean and this is a series well worth your time.
The Rest:
Redneck #5 - We finally learn the truth about what happened to Slap and holy hell was that brutal. Apparently not everyone in the family is on board with attempting to co-exist with humans and Slap was caught in the crossfire. This issue brought back memories of the first and makes you really appreciate what author Donny Cates is setting up. JV is pissed off and I don't think things are going to end well for anything. Add into the mix that they are accountable for turning Father Landry and are going to have a hard time remaining hidden for long. I am expecting a lot of blood in the next issue.

Daredevil #25 - Matt Murdock has made it all the way to the Supreme Court. In an attempt to establish a legal precedent that masked superheros don't have to identify themselves to testify, Murdock is up against one of the best lawyers in the country and Kingpin himself. In addition to the lawyer, Fisk reaches back out to Tombstone to take a more violent approach to preventing this case from being heard. I liked watching the justices fight Daredevil in his mind as he made arguments and dealt with tough questions. This was a fun approach to Daredevil that focused more on the law and less on him beating up bad guys with his billy club, which based on the conclusion of this issue, Plan C for Fisk involves a lot of fighting.
POSTED BY MIKE N. aka Victor Domashev -- comic guy, proudly raising nerdy kids, and Nerds of a Feather contributor since 2012.