As before, we here at nerds are presenting a collective longlist of potential Hugo nominees that we think are worthy of your consideration. These selections represent the spectrum of tastes, tendencies, and predilections found among our group of writers. Today's section contains Best Fanzine, the category we won (*gasp*, still exciting) the award in last year, and in which we have recused for 2025, to ensure that the category can continue to have space for new voices year on year.
As ever, this list should not at all be considered comprehensive, even in the remaining categories. Some outstanding works and institutions will not make our longlist for the simple reason that we have not managed to keep abreast of all the amazing things within the SFF space. We encourage you to think of this as a list of candidates to consider alongside people with which you are already familiar, nothing more and nothing less.
We hope these posts have been useful to you in curating your potential award nominees, and we're excited to see where this year's awards seasons take us.
Nerds of a Feather 2025 Recommendation List Series:
Part 1: Fiction Categories (Novel, Novella, Novelette, Short Story, Series, Lodestar Award)
Part 2: Visual Work Categories (Graphic Story, Dramatic Presentation)
Part 4: Institutional Categories (Related Work, Semiprozine, Fanzine, Fancast)
Beneath Ceaseless Skies
Escape Pod
Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet
Shoreline of Infinity
Small Wonders
Strange Horizons
Sunday Morning Transport
The Ancillary Review of Books
Asking the Wrong Questions
Black Nerd Problems
The Full Lid
Journey Planet
Lady Business
Reading the End
Runalong the Shelves
Stone Soup
There’s Always Room for One More
Unofficial Hugo Book Club Blog
Women Write About Comics
Words for Worlds
The 250
Barcart Bookshelf
Breaking the Glass Slipper
Critical Friends
Eight Days of Diana Wynne Jones
Hugo, Girl
Hugos There
A Meal of Thorns
Mostly Nitpicking
SFF Addicts
The Skiffy and Fanty Show
Sword and Laser
Three Black Halflings
Wizards vs. Lesbians
Best Related Work
Michael Bérubé; The Ex-Human: Science Fiction and the Fate of Our Species, [Columbia University Press, 2024]
Boyle, Rebecca; Our Moon: How Earth's Celestial Companion Transformed the Planet, Guided Evolution and Made Us Who We Are, [Random House, 2024]
Brentjes, Rana; Brentjes, Sonja; Mastorakou, Stamantina; Schäfer, Dagmar; Imagining the Heavens across Eurasia from Antiquity to Early Modernity, [Mimesis International, 2024]
Carroll, Jordan S.; Speculative Whiteness: Science Fiction and the Alt-Right, [Univ of Minnesota Press, 2024]
Cliff, Harry; Space Oddities: the Mysterious Anomalies Challenging Our Understanding of the Universe, [Doubleday, 2024]
Halpern, Paul; The Allure of the Multiverse: Extra Dimensions, Other World and Parallel Universes, [Basic Books, 2024]
Hanchey, Jenna; Africanfuturism Beyond the Future
Hartland, Dan; Snap! Criticism column at the Ancillary Review of Books
Jacobsen, Annie; Nuclear War: A Scenario, [Dutton, 2024]
Nussbaum, Abigail; Track Changes: Selected Reviews, [Briardene Books, 2024]
O'Connor, John; The Secret History of Bigfoot: Field Notes on a North American Monster, [Sourcebooks, 2024]
Speculative Insight 2024
Rees, Gareth E.; Sunken Lands: A Journey Through Flooded Kingdoms and Lost Worlds, [Elliott & Thompson]
The wikis at
Best Poem
Atreya, Alexnader; "Earth as Eidolon", [Deadlands Issue #33]
Barlow, Devan; "Your Visiting Dragon", [Strange Horizons Fund Drive 2024]
Cohen, Jie Venus; "Gaia Sings the Body Electric", [Radon Journal Issue 8]
Cooney, CSE; "fowlskin", [Uncanny Magazine Issue Fifty-Six]
Day, Kelsey; "Sunday in Atlanta", [Reckoning]
Gospel, Chinedu; "Black Bile", [Haven Speculative Issue Seventeen]
Israel, Ayòdéjì; "Shattered Souls at Heaven's Gate", [Deadlands Issue #36]
Lee, Mary Soon; "What Giants Read", [Strange Horizons 29 January 2024]
Liu, Angela; "The Final Trick", [Strange Horizons 26 August 2024]
Liu, Angela; "there are no taxis for the dead", [Uncanny Magazine Issue Fifty-Eight]
Margariti, Avra; "In a Cradle of Antlers", [Small Wonders Magazine, Issue 13]
Ness, Mari; "Ever Noir", [Haven Speculative, Issue Sixteen]
Ogden, Aimee; "Entropy Brooks No Countercurrent", [Kaleidotrope Summer 2024]
Oluyemi, Elisha; "Another Beauty of Darkness", [Strange Horizons 25 March 2024]
Pittman, Rachel; "The Quickening", [Strange Horizons 29 July 2024]
Rabuzzi, Daniel A.; "Along the River's Edge", [Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet #48]
River; "Hiatus", [Deadlands Issue #36]
Sabin, Dyani; "Abstain from Spinning, beauty", [Small Wonders Magazine, Issue 14]
Saha, R.S.; "Kin", [Strange Horizons 12 August 2024]
Skreslet, Tabor; "Lonely Rocks", [Heartlines Issue 6 (Fall 2024)]
Tiji, Bindu; "Journey", [Samovar 28 October 2024] (translated by Lakshmy Nair)
Umana, Joemario; "Society's Learners Dictionary on Defining a Boy", [Strange Horizons 26 February 2024]
Wheat, Steve; "The Last Voyage: Island Relocation Program", [Radon Journal Issue 8]