Pick of the Week:
Descender #2 - Jeff Lemire and Dustin Nguyen deliver another stunning issue after the brilliant debut of this science fiction title. Tim-21, a companion robot that looks and thinks like a little boy, woke up 10 years after the colonies were laid to waste by mysterious Harvesters. His robot fingerprint is an exact match to the Harvesters and there is a race to claim him. Scrappers want to obtain his processor to sell and the government wants it to learn more about the Harvesters. In this issue we get to witness Tim-21's creation and his assimilation with his human family. It is beautiful and moving and extremely effective juxtaposed against his attempt to escape from the vicious scrappers. I wasn't sure I had emotionally connected with Tim-21 until the end of the issue. I care about the little dude and blame Mr. Lemire for that.
The Rest:
Convergence #1 - The DC Universe is getting cleaned up and it is going to happen with a good old fashioned Street Fighter-esque tournament. The superheroes from the different universes are going to have a brawl, and the winning team's universe will be the sole survivor. I am rooting for Captain Carrot and his Amazing Zoo crew! Seriously. It is a real thing.

The Walking Dead #140 - I remain in awe of Robert Kirkman and his ability to bring fresh ideas to this series after 140 issues. While the series has had its slow parts and side stories that felt like filler, each main arc has delivered. I don't care too much about the politics Maggie is involved in, but Carl setting eyes on the camp of the survivors who wear the zombie skin and the bomb that Kirkman dropped at the end of this issue are enough to make this a must read. I remain stunned just thinking about the possible implications of that last panel. Wow.

Birthright #6 - It has been quite some time since the last issue, but I am happy to continue with the story of Mikey and his return from another world (Terrenos). We learn a bit more about Mikey's journey and his defeat of King Lore, but the creature who has bonded with him is making him unpredictable and creating trust issues between him and his brother. I feel I need to learn a lot more about this story before I can judge the series as a whole and wish this issue had more answers, but trust that Joshua Williamson will deliver. I think I need to revisit issues 1-5.
POSTED BY MIKE N. aka Victor Domashev -- comic guy, proudly raising nerdy kids, and Nerds of a Feather contributor since 2012.