Thursday, November 22, 2012

In Honor of Turkey Day, 12 Classic Nerds/Feather Reviews/Articles


1. Birdemic: Shock and Terror (Vance) [Bonus coverage: is this the worst film ever made?]

2. Princess Mononoke (Jemmy)

3. Valhalla Rising (The G)


1. 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami (The G)

2. Pavane by Keith Roberts (Vance).

3. At the Mouth of the River of Bees by Kij Johnson (Jemmy)


1. Rachel Rising by Terry Moore (Philippe)

2. Saga by Vaughan/Staples (Mike)

3. Habibi by Craig Thompson (Guest reviewer: Rob K)


1. Alan Wake by Remedy (Brad)

2. "The Future of DnD" (Molly)

3. "When This Baby Hits 88 Miles per Hour..." (Mike)